02 April 2010

In Passing

A little bird sitting on the highest branch of a tree, starring into the sun as if it has not a worry in the world. I think to myself "If I were a bird, that would be me." I smile, I relate, I daydream.

Sun bathing spring flowers. A brand new start. "The earth laughs in flowers." Just a month ago, nothing. Now in bloom. Happy. To be a new flower, a fresh start, a hopeful beginning. Leaving me jealous of a plant. They can't walk, they can't talk, they can't smile. Or can they?

A man, maybe a boy, 20 something. You tell me. Sprinting towards newly opened doors, soon to be closing. He makes it. What if he didn't?

There's no wind today. Every flag that I see is sleeping, still as a snapshot, frozen in time. Flags must love the wind. They depend on wind to breathe life into them, let them come alive. Wildly waving to the world.

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