How do you survive a storm? Storms are wet and cold, and dark and dreary, so how do you survive? To navigate through, we use these things called "umbrellas." They help provide shelter and safety. They're a shield blocking out the bad to keep us dry, to keep us calm. So how do we properly use these "umbrellas" while others, our other, is using theirs. During a storm, how do we protect ourself AND walk in tandem with the one we love protecting their-self? There is no easy way to do this. Someone gets hurt, if not both, and we both end up wearing our storm. Some may think that the easiest solution is to get a bigger "umbrella" and stand under it together. Well, wouldn't that be just ideal. But the problem with umbrellas, is that it's usually VERY difficult to choose an umbrella that both find fitting or comfortable, especially during the middle of the storm. We tend to want to stick with our own "umbrellas" and not let what we solidly stand beneath go. So what now? Where do we go? We're both going to get wet- we both will, to some extent, suffer. How about this...what if we each tone down our "umbrellas"? I'm not saying to abandon them altogether with, but to make due with a little less. A smaller umbrella. Let's stand side by side, let's stand closer, let's stand together with our small umbrellas. Sure, we're going to experience a little of the storm but we'll be together. My umbrella will cover most of me and part of you, while yours covers most of you and part of me. Drier, closer- what we've wanted all along.
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